
AfterSafeModestarts,pressImage+WandopenControlPanel/UserAccounts.SelectManageanotheraccountandselecttheaccountyouwishto ...,Ifyou'veforgottenyourWindowspassword,thereareseveralwaystoretrieveorresetit:IfyourPCisonadomain,yoursystemadministratormustresetyourpassword.Ifyou'reusingaMicrosoftaccount,youcanresetyourpasswordonline...,ForgotyourWindows8sign-inpassword?Findouthowtoresetyourlocaluseracc...


After Safe Mode starts, press Image+W and open Control Panel / User Accounts. Select Manage another account and select the account you wish to ...

Locked out from Windows 8.1 User Account

If you've forgotten your Windows password, there are several ways to retrieve or reset it: If your PC is on a domain, your system administrator must reset your password. If you're using a Microsoft account, you can reset your password online. ..


Forgot your Windows 8 sign-in password? Find out how to reset your local user account password or your Microsoft account password.

How to Reset your Password in Windows 8

If you're using a Microsoft account open and click Can't access your account? Type in your email address and follow the ...

How to Reset your Password in Windows 8

Log on using the secondary admin account On the Windows 8 Start screen, type Control Panel Select User Accounts Here, we are logged in using ...

How to reset Password in Windows 8

Click Manage another account in the list of accounts available, select Mary now, click change the password Type in a new password and ...

I Forgot My Windows 8 Password! What Are My Options?

If you can't guess your password, reset your Microsoft account password, use a reset disk, have another user change the password, or reset your whole PC. Review Your Options · Reset Your Password Online · Use a Password Reset Disk

How to reset Windows 8 if you have Forgotten Your Password

Hold down the shift key on your keyboard. While holding this key down, click Restart. Windows 8 Power Button Options, Restart; You will ...

Reset Windows 8 8.1 Password: How to Reset

Reset Windows 8 /8.1 Password: How to Reset - Recover Forgotten Windows Password.